
Monday, June 6, 2011

Caramel custard

Delicious Caramel Custard
Caramel Custard Recipe
Caramel Custard is one of the simple, yet delicious dessert you can easily try at your house. Despite its ease, only few folks make Caramel Custard.

This recipe is made with caramelized sugar, eggs, milk, and vanilla essence.

You can follow the recipe to make this easy-to-make pudding at your home.

For the Caramel
  1. Sugar - 2 table spoon
Method to make caramelized sugar
  • Take a pan and when it is hot add the sugar 
  • Stir till it is golden brown color 
  • Remove the pan and pour little of the caramelized sugar into the serving cups
  • Leave aside to cool and harden.
For the Custard
  1. Milk -2 cups
  2. Eggs - 4
  3. Sugar - to taste
  4. Vanilla essence - 1 tsp
Method to make the Custard
  • Beat egg and sugar
  • Add milk and essence and mix well
  • Pour this mixture over the caramelized sugar 
  • Cover the dish with 2 layers of butter paper.
  • And tie down the paper.
  • Put the dish into a bowl of hot water and steam for 20 minutes.
  • Remove from the stove and after 5 mts overturn the dish to the serving dish(Do not remove the dish in which it was cooked so as to maintain shape)
  • When serving lift off the dish carefully without damaging the custard.
  • Serve cold
Enjoy & slice through the cold Caramel Custard..


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