
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Fondant Cakes

Here's my first attempt with Fondant icing. I'm happy for succeeding in my first attempt with this Fondant cake. 

Now, I'm in an upbeat mood with this Fondant success. I'm planning to do similar attempts with Fondant icings on cakes. It will be great if you can give you suggestions, comments and tips so that I can perfect my Fondant icing skills. 

Fondant Cakes
The first basic step I did was covering cakes with rolled Fondant. After this step, I used the cutter to cut round shapes, which I pasted on to the cake.

Oo La La La Fondant Cake
This stepping stone on cake baking reminds me on my the line - One small step for a man, a giant leap for mankind. Thought a misquote, for me it was indeed a step towards a new form and a new path in the art in baking. 
Fondant Cake - Another view

Fondant cake under construction
For more ideas on decorating with fondant, please check 'Wilton Fondant Decorating Page'.


  1. Tasty and beautiful giant step.... :)

  2. Wow! That looks and sounds absolutely amazing! I wish I could reach through the computer and have a bite. Yum!!! :p

  3. Beautiful cake... Love the colors you've used!

  4. can i know the recipe to make fondant pls

  5. Hi Marina, I intend to bake a cake for my daughter's upcoming birthday. Could you pls tell me where can I get rolled fondant in Bangalore. thx.

  6. Hi Nidhi,

    You can get it at IBCA, Mission Road.

    Need to call them early and place an order.

    Enjoy baking...

